EFGANİ DÖNMEZ Projektmanagement – Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat a.D.

Migration – Konfliktpunkte und Lösungsansätze am Beispiel der Wohnsiedlung Noitzmühle in Wels

This dissertation is dealing with theoretical and practical contents in the area of social work and community work which tries to give a compressed overview about migration, managing conflicts and community work.

The practise-oriented try is based on an example which shows a housing estate in the Upper Austrian town Wels housing estate/ district Noitzmühle.

The work divides into the theory of migration (history of migration, consequences of migration, results at the destination and parentage, rising of migration, costs of migration, different kinds of migration, why emigrate?, kinds of relationships, culture, fundamentalism of culture, integration, how to define racism, right-wing extremism, discrimination), communication (the meaning of the mother tongue, structures of communication),conflicts ( rising of conflicts, how to deal with conflicts, intercultural conflicts, mediation), community work ( characteristics of community work, aims of community work, definition of community work, method/ techniques, empowerment an important aspect of community work) description of the district of Noitzmühle, introduction of the pilot project Mosaik ( tasks, the ideas of the employees, presentation of the questionnaire, analysis of the questionnaire, suggestion of how to act for the social workers) It will be tried to put these theoretical contents into practise to find suggestion of how to act for the social workers/ community workers who are active in this area.

Von Efgani Dönmez
EFGANİ DÖNMEZ Projektmanagement – Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat a.D.


